經濟學是一門比較難掌握的學科,需要熟悉術語、它們的定義、以及解讀不同場景中給出的數據。而A-level經濟的另一個難點,是要求你通過一篇essay敘述某些經濟術語,以及對現實問題的影響。如果你想在essay方面多拿一些分,有幾條建議給大家:這是一個常見錯誤。有些小伙伴,快速讀完題,就開始下筆,沒有完全理解問題。寫完答案后,再次回看時,才發現我們可能漏掉了問題的某個細節,而必須重新回答。有時候,我們甚至在回答的過程中會忘記這個問題,然后在答案中迷失了方向,這個過程會丟分。Actual Question: Examine the macroeconomic implications brought by the fall of house prices inthe UK, combined with the change of its Monetary Policy.With this question, we can simplify it into these questions:? Discuss how the falling house prices impacted the country’s economy? Discuss how the change in country’s monetary policy changed its economy? Discuss how the above two changes interact為了保證整個考試過程中思路清晰,作答時最好使用短句。盡量不要再一句話中結合太多的觀點。短句會不會太簡單呢?其實考試中最重要的是你正確地解釋了這個概念,短句可以幫助你一次只專注于一個想法。Q: What is the effect of high-interest rates?
The cost of borrowing money increases when it has a higher interest rate. As a result,borrowers with mortgages only have a small amount of disposable income. Borrowers, especially credit card users, would also have a reason to use theircredit cards less. This reduces the consumption of users. The fall inconsumption rates will cause a decrease in Aggregate Demand and reduce economicgrowth. A reduction in Aggregate Demand would also affect inflation rate.經常聽到這樣的故事,有人為考試充分準備,但是成績并不理想。可是,如果你回去看他們的答案,可能會發現,可能根本沒有準確回答問題。答題時,試著心里重讀自己的答案,然后問自己每一段我都回答這個問題了嗎。考試中重寫答案是很難的,所以記得時刻提醒自己切題。Explore the impacts of applying the Euro to UK’s monetary and financial policy?When you see this question, you may stop reading on the “applying the Euro” part and just write the usual cost and benefit of the Euro. Unfortunately, this does not answer thequestion since it is asking for the impact of the Euro on Britain’s financial andmonetary policy.在經濟學中,有時答案沒有正確和錯誤之分,因為數據可以指向任何結果。因此,必須能夠思考數據相關的其他的點,看所有可能的結果。? Status of the economy – Is the economy running smoothly or is it undergoing a recession?? Timedelays – It can take about 24 months before? Othervariables present – High imports could be an indicator of high consumer spending.? Impacts offactors – Low exports to the US only amounts to a small percentage of the UK’s Aggregate Demand. However, if recession falls in Europe, it can spell troublefor the UK because 50% of its exports are sent to EU member countries.? Impacts of macroeconomic objectives – interest rates can influence inflation rates; but, it can also be influenced by other factors like unemployment and economicgrowth.? Impact ofsupply and demand – An expansionary policy can reduce demand-deficient unemployment rates. However, it cannot solve demand-side unemployment.? Impact is determined by the elasticity of the demand- Using the example of oil prices, if the demand is price inelastic, the demand only reduces a little bit because oftax. However, if the prices are elastic, the tax will cause a higher fall inthe demand.? Time lag –At first, the demand for petrol is likely to remain price inelastic. However,the demand may decrease as consumers find alternatives.? Status ofthe market structure – If the world market continues to be competitive, pricesmay remain low. However, if one country dominates, high oil prices are a given.? List ofbusiness objectives – If an oil company aims to maximize profits, their pricesare going to increase. However, if it wants to maximize their market share, prices may be lower even if it means low profit.? Behavioral economics – How can the behavior of individuals or groups regarding an issue influence them and their economic choices? 想要了解更多詳細的留學資訊,以及你想咨詢的留學問題,請微信搜索關注公眾號“易致留學”,里面有我們老師的微信可以掃碼添加,咨詢哦,易致留學為你助力加油!!!