有問必答(學生版)- 疫情期間課程考核和評分機制的特別舉措
日前學校電郵通知了疫情期間有關教學和期末考試的各項安排,收到同學們不少反饋, 尤其是對課程考核和評分機制的提問。我們將常見問答整理如下,讓同學們對相關舉措有更 好的了解。
問 1: 為什么有期末成績特別評分機制?
答 1: 隨著疫情在全球持續蔓延,同學們和世界各地很多學生一樣,只能在線上繼續學習, 與此同時,還要面對各方面的壓力,例如擔心家人健康或經濟壓力。為了幫助有需 要的同學減輕壓力,學校出臺疫情期間期末成績特別評分機制,此為特殊時期的特 殊舉措,與目前國內外多所受疫情影響的高等院校的安排一致。
問 2: 在期末成績特別評分機制下,同學有何選擇?
答 2: 期末成績特別評分機制為在讀的本科生提供了兩個期末成績的評分選項,同學可以 根據個人情況為自己本學期所修讀的不同課程作出不同的選擇:
選項(一) 保留本學期期末的成績,也就是常規的 Letter Grade 評分方式,即 ABCDF 的成績,所得成績按常規計入學分和參與 GPA 計算。
選項(二) Satisfactory(S)/Unsatisfactory(U)評分方式(后稱 S/U 評分),即沒有明 確的 Letter Grade 成績,僅在成績單上顯示通過(S)或者不通過(U),成 績 S 或成績 U 均不參與 GPA 計算。成績 S 的課程會計入同學的學分, 不影響同學的 GPA;而成績 U 的課程則不會得到學分,同時也不會影 響 GPA。
問 3: 選擇 S/U 評分有什么不利影響?
答 3: 校長榮譽榜(President’s Honour Roll)、院長優秀名錄(Dean’s List)和獎學金的基本 條件是同學在該學期有最少 15 個學分的常規評分 Letter Grade 成績,請同學務必 留意。另一方面,將來同學在找工作或申請深造時,對方會慎重審查成績單,如果 沒有確切的成績,可能會處于劣勢。同學在選擇評分方式時,請務必謹慎考慮。
問 4: 畢業班同學在考慮評分選項時,應特別注意什么?
答 4: 本科畢業要求是 cGPA 不低于 2.0。同學選擇 S/U 評分且獲得 S 成績后,只是增加 學分,不計入 cGPA。若想在最后一個學期提高 cGPA 以按時畢業,不建議選擇 S/U 評分方式。如果學分數量不夠,選擇 S/U 評分并獲得 S 成績,是可以滿足學分要求 的。請同學根據個人情況作出選擇。
問 5: 選擇 S/U 評分并獲得成績 S,之后還能重修該門課嗎?
答 5: 根據校規,2017 級和之前入學的學生如獲得成績 S,可以選擇重修; 2018 級和之后 入學的同學如獲得成績 S,不能重修。
問 6: S/U 評分方式,是否難以分辨出學生 GPA 成績的差距?
答 6: 選擇常規評分 Letter Grade 或 S/U 評分方式是同學個人的意愿和選擇。選擇 S/U 的 同學事實上需更加努力,因該評分方式并不能計入總體 GPA 成績。
問 7: 選擇期末成績評分方式的具體流程是?
答 7:
(1) 同學須通過 MIS 申請 S/U 評分,申請期限為 5 月 22 日。教務處將以郵件公告 申請開始時間,請密切留意。同學無需在 iSpace 或向授課老師提交申請。
(2) 同學申請 S/U 評分,默認為受目前疫情影響而提出的特殊原因申請,無需提 交任何證明文件。
(3) 若同學選擇常規評分 Letter Grade(即 ABCDF 的成績),則無需作出任何申請。
(4) 教務處將于 6 月 17 日上午 10 時向全體同學發布 Letter Grade 成績(即 ABCDF 的成績)。請在 5 月 22 日或之前選擇了 S/U 評分的同學及時在 MIS 查看成績, 并于 6 月 18 日晚上 11 時前到 MIS 確認自己最終的評分方式。在 S/U 評分方 式開放選擇期間,同學可修改評分方式。請同學注意:修改一旦成功并確認后, 3 將無法更改。如果同學未在 MIS 確認其評分方式,則默認之前的申請意愿不 變。
(5) 本學期最終成績報告將于 7 月 1 日向全體同學公布。
(6) 有關 S/U 評分申請,請電郵 ar_exam@uic.edu.hk 或致電(0756)3620359。
問 8: 為什么要在 5 月 22 日或之前決定選擇 S/U 評分方式與否,然后要在 6 月 18 日晚上 11 時前確認我的選擇?
答 8: 這安排的目的是想確保同學已因應自己的情況作出了最充分的考慮和最適合的選擇。
問 9: 除期末成績特別評分方式外,有其他特別方案嗎?
答 9: 若同學有需要提交退課或休學的特別申請,請聯系教務處咨詢詳情。本學期申請退 課的截止時間已延至 5 月 8 日下午 5 點。有關退課或重修課程的查詢,請電郵 ar_course@uic.edu.hk 或致電 (0756)3620475; 有 關 休 學 申 請 , 請 電 郵 ar_record@uic.edu.hk 或致電(0756)3620308。
問 10: 面臨家庭作業各種期限,擔心應付不了。家庭作業的完成時間最長能延多久?
答 10: 由于每門課、每位老師對家庭作業的要求不一,若遇到任何學習困難,請同學及時 和授課老師商討,尋求協助和解決方法。
問 11: 若不同意取消線下考試和調整課程考核方式,有何選擇?
答 11: 因為期末考試無法在線下舉行,有關課程的期末考試形式和每個測評部分的比重將 會作出相應調整。授課老師會征求同學們的意見以達成共識,從而保證學術質量與 公正性;如果未能達成共識,則持有不同意見的同學可以選擇將有關課程的成績在 這個學期臨時標注為 Incomplete(I),即“課程未完成“的意思,待以后返校上課再完 成考評及更新成績。若有此情況,請同學務必于 5 月 8 日下午 5 點前把其決定告之 4 授課老師,授課老師將與教務處安排后續事宜。
問 12: 在申請繼續深造時,如有需要,學校能幫忙出具一份關于 S/U 評分方式的說明嗎?
答 12: 如有必要,學校愿意提供證明。有關申請,請電郵 graduation@uic.edu.hk 或致電 (0756)3620686。
22 April 2020
Frequently Asked Questions on the Special Arrangement for Course Assessment and Grading (for Students)
You can find below the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the special arrangement for course assessment and grading for Semester 2 of 2019-20 academic year. If more information is needed, please contact us or the respective units.
Questions & Answers
Q1: Why is there a special arrangement for grading?
A1: Quite a number of students around the world, including UIC students, can only continue their studies via online platforms due to the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. Apart from academic pressure, some students are vulnerable to the health or financial emergency situations of their families. To help those in need to mitigate the impacts arising from the current global crisis, the College decided to implement a special grading policy in this semester which is a special initiative in line with those of many other universities at home and abroad which are adversely affected during this special period.
Q2: What is the special arrangement for grading?
A 2: All undergraduate students can make separate decision for each of the courses they enrolled in this semester. The two choices are:
Option 1 Continue with letter grading (i.e. ABCDF contributing to GPA) Option 2 Change to Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading (not contributing to GPA)
Q3: What are some of the consequences associated with S/U grades?
A3: Students should think carefully and thoroughly when opting for S/U grades. Courses that are passed will simply be recorded as S on the transcript, with no indication of the level of accomplishment. This could have important ripple effects. Internally, students with less than 15 units counting towards GPA in a semester will be disqualified for the award of President’s Honour Roll, Dean’s List and scholarship. Externally, a majority of employers and universities examine transcripts in details when making offers on jobs and postgraduate study. Students without solid GPA data may place themselves at a 5 disadvantage.
Q4: What should I pay attention to if I aim for graduation this year?
A4: The GPA requirement for graduation is 2.0. Since S/U grades do not contribute to GPA, students who have insufficient GPA are strongly advised not to opt for S/U grades. For those who are solely short of academic units to fulfill the graduation requirement, S/U grades could be a feasible option as S grades entitle you for academic units. Having said that, students should review your own academic standing carefully and thoroughly before making any decision.
Q5: Can I retake a course with grade S?
A5: According to the College’s regulation, students who are admitted in 2017-18 academic year or before are eligible for retaking a course with grade S; students who are admitted in 2018-19 academic year or thereafter are not eligible for retaking a course with grade S.
Q6: Is the S/U grading scheme putting students who opts for it in an advantageous position?
A6: It is entirely a matter of personal choices in between regular Letter Grades or S/U grades which deserves to be respected. In fact, students who opt for S/U grades must work harder as S/U grades do not contribute to their overall GPA.
Q7: What are the procedures for making my choice(s) of grading?
(1) You must submit an application via UIC MIS by 22 May 2020 if you opt for S/U grades. Please pay attention to the email from the Academic Registry which will inform you of the start time for application. (Note: There is no need to send your application to the course instructors at iSpace.)
(2) Unless you are making an application for S/U grades based on a reason other than the COVID-19 situation, there is no need for you to submit any supporting documents.
(3) If you opt for the regular Letter Grades (namely ABCDF), there is no need for you to make any statement or application.
(4) For those who opt for S/U grades and make an application by the stipulated deadline (i.e. 22 May 2020), please be reminded to check your grade report at MIS from 10:00am on 17 June 2020 when the initial results (i.e. ABCDF) of this semester will be released. After that, please login MIS and confirm your choice for S/U grades by 11:00pm of 18 June 2020. You can still change your mind during the S/U grades confirmation period, however, your decision will be considered as final and you cannot revoke your choice once a confirmation is made. For those who do not make a confirmation by the aforesaid timeline, it will be assumed that your final decision is S/U grades. 6
(5) The final grades for this semester will be released to all students on 1 July 2020.
(6) For enquires about the application for S/U grades, please email ar_exam@uic.edu.hk or call (0756) 3620359.
Q8: Why should I submit my application for S/U grades by 22 May 2020 and confirm my final choice by 11:00pm of 18 June 2020?
A8: This is a counter-checking process to make sure that every student is making their choices after reviewing his/her own situation carefully and thoroughly.
Q9: What are the other special arrangements?
A9: If your situation warrants a special application for course withdrawal or suspension of study, please contact the respective units of the Academic Registry. The extended deadline for course withdrawal is 5:00pm of 8 May 2020. Should you have any enquires regarding course withdrawal or retaking a course, please email ar_course@uic.edu.hk or call (0756) 3620475. For suspension of study, please email ar_record@uic.edu.hk or call (0756) 3620308.
Q10: What should I do if I have difficulties in meeting the deadlines of course assignments? How long the extension of time could I apply for?
A10: Please reach out for immediate support and assistance from the respective course instructor as the requirements of each course vary.
Q11: What should I do if I hold a different view regarding the cancellation of proctored, in-hall examinations and the adjustment on course assessment?
A11: As a result of the cancellation of proctored, in-hall final examinations in this semester, there is a genuine need to adjust the assessment components and weightings for certain courses. To uphold academic quality and integrity, unanimous consensus has to be reached for any change to course assessment and therefore your course instructors will make sure that all students are consulted. The majority view rules and therefore an adjustment will be adopted if a majority of students concurs with that choice. Students who hold the minority views may opt for a Grade I which denotes “Incompletion of course”. If there is such a situation, the concerned students must inform the respective course instructors about their decisions by 5:00pm of 8 May 2020 for a make-up examination to be arranged upon resumption of face-to-face teaching.
Q12: Can I apply for an official statement about the S/U grading scheme to support my postgraduate application?
A12: If necessary, the College will issue you an official statement about the special S/U grading scheme for this semester. Please contact the Academic Registry by email to graduation@uic.edu.hk, or call (0756) 3620686.