澳洲一直以來都很認可大專畢業的學生前往澳洲就讀碩士課程,但是相對來說早些年一直集中在商科領域,此次澳洲也有很多學校開設計算機的專升碩項目,包括紐卡斯爾大學、伍倫貢大學、堪培拉大學、格里菲斯大學、埃迪斯科文大學等等在內,此次蕾蕾老師帶來澳洲排名第十的的紐卡斯爾大學計算機專升碩申請條件。如果學生有著本科畢業證和學位證的學生,可以申請碩士直錄課程本科不相關專業,但是有至少2年的Senior level相關工作經驗,最短1.5年完成,120學分,case by case basis.本科相關專業,最短1.5年完成,120學分,case by case basis.*Senior level examples: senior analyst/programmer, senior developer, senior software engineering,senior business analyst, IT manager **Related fields of study may include but are not limited to IT,
但是如果學生是大專畢業的學生,我們也可以考慮專升碩課程 (GC+Master)全日制2年大專(學位授予權)相關專業+1年相關工作經驗Diploma or Advanced Diploma of 1 year or equivalent qualification in a related field plus 2 years其他學歷:A minimum of 3 years demonstrated relevant work experience in a related field(assessed on a case-by-case basis)Related fields of study may include but are not limited to IT, computing, science, technology,business or communications.Relevant work experience may include but is not limited to technical/professional positions in IT,computing, science, technology, business or communications.除此之外計算機領域也給優秀的學生開設了獎學金,條件如下AUD$6,000/year tuition fee reduction: 均分80分或以上AUD$4,000/year tuition fee reduction: 均分74分或以上AUD$2,000/year tuition fee reduction: 均分67分或以上
AUD$6,000/year tuition fee reduction: 75% or aboveAUD$4,000/year tuition fee reduction: 67% or aboveAUD$2,000/year tuition fee reduction: 59% or above